Safe Sport - Member Protection

Member Protection

Queensland Fencing Association (QFA) is committed to ensuring that every person involved in our sport is treated with respect and dignity, and is safe and protected from abuse. QFA supports the principles of fairness, respect, responsibility and safety in sport.

Queensland Fencing Association adopts in its entirety, the Australian Fencing Federation Ltd (AFF) Member Protection Policy (MPP) in its current form and any revision that may, from time to time be adopted. The AFF MPP is available from their website. Where the document describes areas specific to the AFF, only such references that apply to QFA shall be applicable.  References to AFF officials will be taken to be references to QFA officials when the policy is being administered or applied by the QFA.

The Member Protection Policy incorporates the Codes of Conduct for all persons associated with fencing in all roles (athlete, official, spectator, etc).

In association with this policy, QFA undertakes to:

  • Appoint a Member Protection Officer(s) (MPIO) to ensure that the guidelines laid out in the AFF MPP are adhered to and to act as a point of contact for QFA Member Protection issues
  • Ensure that all relevant individuals and organisations are familiar with the specific codes of conduct that are applicable
  • Ensure that all obligations in relation to child protection are met
  • Maintain a register of all volunteers, coaches and officials working with children, including their Blue Card details
  • Ensure that complaints and other issues are handled according to the guidelines laid out in the AFF MPP.


Access the Member Protection Policy Here


Contact a QFA MPIO


At all times, fencers and members of the fencing community may contact any registered MPIO in Queensland. MPIOs are not sport specific. Contact the State Government for other MPIO details.


Blue Cards

All persons performing officating, coaching and any role in which there is contact with a child in Queensland Fencing Association or its affiliated entities are required to hold a Blue Card. Queensland Fencing Association enforces the No Card, No Start Policy. A current Blue Card or copy of the Positive Blue Card Notice must be supplied to the QFA Blue Card Coordinator for verification prior to commencing any services for the Association.

The Blue Card system:

  • is a key prevention and monitoring system of people working with children and young people in Queensland

  • aims to minimise the risks of harm to children and young people by contributing to the creation of safe and supportive environments, and

  • is founded on the principle that all children have a fundamental right to be protected from harm.

Key benefits:

  • the past is risk managed though the initial assessment, which determines a person’s eligibility to work with children, based on known police or disciplinary information

  • the present is risk managed through police information of all blue card or exemption card holders, which is continuously monitored so any changes are actioned appropriately, and

  • the future is risk managed by service providers, who are required to implement child and youth risk management strategies and review them annually.

The Working with Children Check (also known as the Blue Card check) is a check that assesses:

  • any national charge or conviction for an offence (even if no conviction was recorded)

  • child protection prohibition orders

  • disqualification orders

  • if a person is subject to reporting obligations under the Child Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 or Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003

  • disciplinary information held by certain professional organisations including teachers, child care licensees and foster carers, and

  • information that the Police Commissioner may provide in relation to police investigations into allegations of serious child-related sexual offences, even if no charges were laid.

A person whose application is approved is issued with a positive notice letter and a Blue Card.

The 2023 QFA Blue Card Coordinator is yet to be determined. In the interim, please contact the QFA President for any Member Protection issues.

Contact QFA Blue Card Coordinator

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